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You've Got This - Full Moon June 2019

Anastasia Barbato

Create by being.

This month’s full moon in Sagittarius has us bursting out of the incubating cocoon and into the sunlight where we can soar. Our dreams are within our grasp, and with sensibility, patience, and faith on our side, we’re ready to bask in the beams of our own making. My favorite natural imagery involves butterflies, flowers, and sunshine, and these are the images to keep in mind when you think of the full moon bestowing its blessings upon you!

It’s the last full moon of an eclipse season that started in January of this year. Now is the time to look back and see how much progress you’ve made toward growth and expansion. You may find that the rough edges of your plans or relationships may now be smoothed over, or that you’ve made a significant shift in perspective. What’s different? What has stayed the same?

Looking at the planets, there’s a lot going on this full moon in the realm of dreams, reality, transformation, and surrender.

You’re seeing so much clearer now than ever before, and this new perspective has the power to change everything.

Neptune, the planet of dreams, is in an interesting and lucrative position this full moon. As Neptune interacts with Saturn, the planet of structure, the dream world and reality are closer together. We saw this relationship begin to bud during the new moon, and the full moon will see their connection manifesting tangible results in our daily lives. Look back on the goals you set for the new moon and see which ones you’ve made the most progress toward so far - you may be surprised to find one or all of them manifesting in your physical reality during this full moon period.

Mercury, the planet of communication, and Mars, the planet of aggression and action, combine their influence on us with Neptune by sparking our imaginations, creative potential, and sexual attraction. It’s a great time for romance and for making those karmic connections that last a lifetime. Keep a gratitude and goals journal to record all the creative ideas that pop into your head right now - you might just see them come to life before your eyes! We can see the big picture clearly now, marching across the path with confidence and the courage to change the world.

However, Neptune is also squaring Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion. This might make us somewhat gullible in the way we approach these dreams, stumbling over our own optimism. But with Saturn’s guiding and responsible hand, we should be able to tell right from wrong relatively easily.

Meanwhile, Mars has us all stirred up. Because Mars opposite Saturn and interacting with the planet of communication, Mercury, we’re quick to anger, restless, and communicating with an attitude that might make others cry if we’re not careful. We’re a little defensive about our dreams and may vocalize these insecurities if we’re challenged, so it’s important to find ways to channel this energy into friendly competition, like playing sports or friendly games. Bite your tongue; if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say it. Some of this Mercury-Mars energy may cause us to feel held back, with certain setbacks or miscommunications that leave us feeling rejected, jealous, or doubtful.

Above all, keep hammering away in your workshop to make those dreams come true. Believe in yourself, as you’ve got the insight right now to make anything you want happen. You can do it!

Here’s your tarot reading based on your zodiac sign to keep you afloat this full moon. Check out your reading from the new moon of June 2019 to track the changes that may have happened during this period - where was your energy then compared to now? How does it contribute to pursuing your dreams?


Sagittarius - knight of cups

You’ll be receiving some good news this full moon, or perhaps a new lover is on their way toward you. In all realms, you’re ready for action, and the universe is sending you lots of energy to put toward your goals.

Capricorn - five of pentacles

You’ve been feeling “out in the cold” so to speak, where the opportunities you’ve invested in have not shown their return. Do the best you can with what you’ve got, and know that help is there for you if you’re willing to reach out for it.

Aquarius - three of cups

You’ll find yourself reuniting with old friends, socializing, and celebrating this period. Reach out to others and find ways to make connections, let loose, and savor the beautiful moments of life!

Pisces - nine of swords reversed

If you find yourself worrying about something, try to take a step back and look at the truth within your anxiety. Sometimes all it takes is a deep breath to slow down the world around you and find that there’s not much to worry about after all.


Aries - ace of cups

New beginnings are on the horizon in the realm of love, or more broadly, happiness. Keep an eye out for opportunities coming from social circles, and enjoy the beauty of making connections.

Taurus - the magician

You’ve got the magic in you to tailor your life to your goals, dreams, and ambitions. Seize the alchemical forces of nature and your own conscious thought to manifest anything you desire.

Gemini - eight of pentacles reversed

Your nose has definitely been to the grindstone, but now is the time to put down the paintbrush and look outside your window. Take time to reconnect with the other aspects of your life you may have been neglecting in your work fever, and you’ll find your energy and inspiration replenished in no time.

Cancer - five of cups

Sometimes we miss the forest for the trees, getting caught up in the minutiae of missed opportunities or failed connection. You’ve got plenty of blessings headed your way if you choose to see them, so place your attention toward those new horizons.


Leo - ten of cups

At the epitome of happiness and fulfillment, bask in the glory of your happily ever after! Channel the positive feelings of security for yourself and see your dreams come true.

Virgo - two of wands reversed

You may be getting stuck in your feelings about something, especially if it involves a choice to go down a new path. Keep sight of your long term goals and appreciate the blessings the universe has already given you; there are more around you than you may have noticed before.

Libra - seven of wands

A positive change is coming into your life, and you’ve got the grit and power behind you now to achieve anything you put your mind to. Though you may doubt your ability to persevere, now is the time to do it anyway; you will come out on top!

Scorpio - three of swords reversed

You’re on the threshold of a deep and profound healing following on the heels of a likely disappointment. Most things in life are transient, but know that opportunities are always presenting themselves to you; keep hope for a brighter tomorrow.


Happy June, everyone!

Good vibes always,


Kissed By Venus

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