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Who is Kissed by Venus?

Anastasia wearing a black witch hat

Using modern techniques derived from the eternal wisdom of those who came before us, Kissed by Venus shares a variety of spiritual tools encouraging you to connect with your mind, body, and intuition and create a life that inspires and delights at every turn.


Kissed By Venus is an astrology and Tarot blog (and everything in between) with a strong focus on inclusivity and activism. We strive to champion LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC stories wherever and however we can, and open our community to be a safe harbor for those experiencing discrimination and violence.


As a queer-founded blog, Kissed By Venus promotes an inclusive lifestyle and a modern spiritual understanding.  

 Life is a constant unfolding of new desires and then a constant alignment to those desires.
- Abraham Hicks


There is never just one interpretation of the Universe. Take a look at some of my favorite spiritualists keeping a close eye on the cosmos.

Biddy Tarot logo

Biddy Tarot's interpretations of each Tarot card are clear, insightful, and a powerful tool that I've been using since I first began learning Tarot. I recommend her Ultimate Guide to Tarot for anyone wanting to expand their knowledge of the craft.

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With her detailed astrological interpretations and accessible language and content, Chani Nicholas is a huge inspiration to me and a pillar of the astrology community. Putting the "activist" in "astrologer", Chani is a fantastic resource for learning the basics and keeping up with current astrological trends.

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The AstroTwins' horoscopes can be found on Refinery29, as well as their own blog. Their unique combination of accurate star-mapping and personable language make reading your horoscope a pleasure.

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