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You Are Worthy - New Moon June 2019

You've got this.

Here in the Northern Hemisphere, we’re ushering in summertime. Golden days filled with sunshine, occasional rainstorms, and the urge to run around outside barefoot in the grass… or perhaps that last one is just me.

The June new moon sits in socialite Gemini, urging you out of your comfort zone with words of encouragement. Shake off the fresh springtime leaves and spread your summer petals to the Sun - which, by virtue of June’s beginning astrology, also sits in Gemini! With the two most influential planetary bodies in sync, you’ll find yourself in lock step with your dreams and wishes.

A flurry of planets hang out in their home sign during this period, amplifying their effects and bringing an extra dose of magic to your daily life. Venus in Taurus, the sign of sensuality and one of Venus’s home bases, communicates with Pluto, the planet ruled by intense Scorpio, in a positive position. Parts of our emotional and physical lives have been breaking apart and shifting around us to make way for something new, making it an important time to sift through the process, listening to our gut instincts and holding close to our deep love relationships.

The planet of expansion and luck Jupiter is in a somewhat negative aspect, a “square”, with the planet of dreams, Neptune. Paired with the no-nonsense energy of Gemini, this energy will help you get clarity on a situation you might’ve romanticized before. Neptune is also in a deep dialogue with the planet of reality, Saturn. If you’ve ever heard the phrase “thoughts become things” then you’ll know the power that our minds have over shaping the world around us. Our words have incredible power to transform our environment now, so get a move on with setting up those goals to achieve your wildest dreams. The sky’s the limit!

Watch your self-talk - if you say you’re worthy of that new promotion, you’ll find it on your doorstep as easily and quickly as you’ll find the opposite if you don’t believe in yourself. The universe’s energy works in response to your thoughts and feelings, so make sure you’re broadcasting good ones!

With that, here’s your tarot advice for this new moon period, based on your zodiac sign.


Gemini - ace of cups

Some new beginnings, potentially in the realm of relationships, await! This new moon reminds you to play with your inner child, and to use the power of the sun and moon to kick start the next movement toward your goals.

Cancer - king of wands reversed

There may be someone, or something, challenging your ego, causing your feelings to get hurt or your pride to flare up. Ask for help when needed, but also know when it’s time to toughen up; the only reaction you can control is your own.

Leo - ace of wands reversed

You’re ready and raring to go, Leo, but you may not be entirely certain where you’re running off to or how you’re going to succeed once you get there. Get clear about the steps toward your goals this period by counting your current blessings, and the path forward will emerge.

Virgo - ace of pentacles reversed

After a recent financial setback, you may be tempted to fall into a “take no prisoners” attitude of contempt. There are still opportunities for you to access abundance, but it might take you biting your tongue to realize them.


Libra - temperance

Now is the time to slow down, Libra, and get in touch with your intuition and what truly helps you get balanced. Your dreams are manifesting for you - have the patience to let them come.

Scorpio - three of cups reversed

You may have put your social life on pause as of late to re-center your focus. Be patient with yourself and your progress, as a breakthrough is hanging in the balance, nearly ripe.

Sagittarius - six of swords reversed

It’s hard to let go of a situation or relationship, especially when they provided comfort and compassion. But don’t worry; this transition sees more love on the other side.

Capricorn - the hierophant

There may be a restructuring going on, but you may be too stubborn to see the benefit of this recent transition. Ease up on the reins; you may be surprised with what manifests.


Aquarius - the empress

Channel your inner “boss lady” this new moon, and feel that confidence rise up within you! Revel in the inspiration of new hope on the horizon, as opportunities make their way toward you.

Pisces - eight of pentacles reversed

Sometimes you’re all work and no play, Pisces, but this has left you feeling uninspired as of late. Some opportunities can only come to you when you make room for them, so take a step back and keep your eyes and heart open for inspiration.

Aries - two of cups reversed

A recent partnership - or romantic relationship - may be taking your full attention, at the expense of your other loved ones. There is harmony in your coupling, but make sure to spread the love around.

Taurus - the emperor

You’re the master of your life right now, even if it’s a little lackluster in the emotional satisfaction department - it's lonely on the throne, after all. Recognize the beauty and opportunity in the relationships in your life, and you may just find that apathy dissipate.


Hope you all have a lovely June, shooting stars!



Kissed By Venus

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